
I'm a Microsoft Certified Trainer for 2020-2021

I'm a Microsoft Certified Trainer for 2020-2021

Like most people in IT, I’ve taken my fair share of courses and workshops. Back when I started in IT, online courses were not really a thing (it’s true, kids) so they were all taken in person. I was always in awe in how the trainers casually handled the class, the questions and easily talk in depth about their subject. Working primarily in the Windows ecosystem, many of the trainers were Microsoft certified.
MVP Renewal 2020

MVP Renewal 2020

After my MVP award last year, Imposter Syndrome visited and has stayed a while. I’d be lying if I denied wondering about the next renewal date and whether what I’ve done this year is worthy of the MVP award. Being given the award was a massive milestone for me. To be recognised in the community, by my peers as deserving of it, was humbling.

High DPI Settings in Windows 10 Makes Some Applications Too Big Or Too Small
Image is courtesy of hentismith

High DPI Settings in Windows 10 Makes Some Applications Too Big Or Too Small

I actually didn’t know that high DPI scaling still existed on Windows 10 until I got a 34" 4K monitor. But it is. In 2020. And while I know that Microsoft have made a lot of changes in this area to help, it’s still frustrating when I come across that one application that still doesn’t play ball.

With all the changes, Microsoft has given us a few ways to help work with this issue.

Working From Home While Looking After Your Mental Health
Image is courtesy of WindRanch

Working From Home While Looking After Your Mental Health

We are all living through an unusual time at the moment. COVID-19 has forced us to stay indoors and minimise social contact. Talk to anybody who already works from home on a regular basis and you will hear its not as easy as you think. It requires discipline, focus and vigilance.

So I am going to tell you what works for me. It might not work for you, exactly. It might not work at all for you. That is okay. We are all different people. But I hope you get something out of this.

WiFi Captive Portals Making It Difficult To Connect Your Travel Router?

WiFi Captive Portals Making It Difficult To Connect Your Travel Router?

I’m travelling a lot more these days so spending time in hotels is now for winding down and sleeping to minimise the effects of jet lag. Something I find doesn’t actually get any easier the more you travel. I now take my Chromecast with me. It’s just one of those things that just works. No fuss or hassle. So I don’t need to spend time trying to troubleshoot problems.

Migrate Your Static Website to Azure

Migrate Your Static Website to Azure

In the good old days you hosted your website yourself or using a dedicated web hosting provider. Whichever option you chose you needed a machine, virtual or physical, with a full operating system that needed patching, some sort of remote access, web hosting software such as Apache or IIS and some sort of SSH or RDP access. And perhaps it’s own firewall rules. That is a lot of investment for just a blog.