Things I've Learned, Found or Used

Over the years I've collected a lot of useful websites, resources, cheat sheets and other things. Now I thought I'd share them.

Over the years I’ve collected a lot of useful websites, resources, cheat sheets and other things. I kept all of this in an internal wiki for many years (originally in OneNote but now in Hugo using the DocPort theme) but a lot of it might be useful to others so here it is to share.

Where I’ve used the thing, I’ll add some notes. Otherwise they are here for you to try. Please leave a comment on your experiences with a thing.


Regular Expressions

  • RegexLearn. Found out about this in an article. Ran through the tutorial and it’s useful for some of the fundamentals of regular expressions. Well worth a look;
  • Regular Expressions Cheat Sheet. A fairly short cheat sheet covering the basics;

A collection of sites I’ve collected by not used:


  • Iconshock. Found it in this article. I haven’t used it and use Fontawesome for my icons, but this may be useful in the future.