After PSDayUK 2023
Image is courtesy of PS Day UK.

After PSDayUK 2023

I’m just returning from an incredible experience presenting at PSDayUK 2023 this past Friday. My colleague James Ruskin and I had the honour of giving a talk titled “Streamlining Software Management with Chocolatey” to a room of PowerShell enthusiasts.

Overall, I’m thrilled to say our presentation went extremely well!

Converting a Vagrant Box From VirtualBox Format To VMware Workstation or Fusion
Image courtesy of DeepAI.

Converting a Vagrant Box From VirtualBox Format To VMware Workstation or Fusion

Chocolatey recently released a new version of the Package Moderation Services sandbox, and it got me thinking. How can I use it in VMware Workstation?

I don’t use VirtualBox, but I wanted to use the box that they created. So, I decided to look into converting the Vagrant VirtualBox box for use in VMware Workstation and Fusion and thus, this guide was born!

How to Run the Calibre Server Docker Container Natively, and on a QNAP NAS
Image courtesy of PhotoRoom. License.

How to Run the Calibre Server Docker Container Natively, and on a QNAP NAS

I need a new way to keep control of my ever-growing, ever-sprawling, e-book collection. Local files and folders has got me to a stage where it’s getting kinda messy and difficult to manage. Calibre seems to be the only show in town for managing, converting and keeping track of all of your e-books. So I thought I’d give it a try. First step is first; installing the desktop application on my computer using Chocolatey choco install calibre.
PowerShell Conference Europe 2022 - The Aftermath

PowerShell Conference Europe 2022 - The Aftermath

PowerShell Conference Europe is my favourite event of the year. With a change in direction and venue, will it still be the same event as before?

In my last post I spoke about my delight at being selected to speak at PowerShell Conference Europe 2022. I don’t usually do a post-event write-up but this year, this event, was special. And I wanted to say a few things about it.

Office Setup 2022

Office Setup 2022

I always find it useful to learn about what others are using in their office desk setup, and why. After purchasing a new monitor I thought it was a good opportunity to finally sit down and write about my office setup, what I use and why.