
Build a Chocolatey Package Repository using Azure DevOps Artifacts Feed

Build a Chocolatey Package Repository using Azure DevOps Artifacts Feed

The Chocolatey Community Repository currently has 6,655 unique packages. When we add up the versions of each of those packages it grows to 65,549. That’s a lot of packages. A lot of storage needed to house them all. And a lot bandwidth needed for you to download them.

But the Chocolatey Community Repository is not for everybody. Chocolatey doesn’t recommend organizations use the community repository directly for several reasons.

Getting Started With Chocolatey 4 Business & Jenkins CI

Getting Started With Chocolatey 4 Business & Jenkins CI

I’ve had an disagreement recently with a colleague about the usage of open-source automation tools, especially Chocolatey in Business environments. A key point of this argument was the integration of new open source tools into long-existing, mostly commercial software based workflows.

One of the main reasons to use Chocolatey in an organization is its ability to integrate seamlessly with already existing automation infrastructure.