After PSDayUK 2023

I’m just returning from an incredible experience presenting at PSDayUK 2023 this past Friday. My colleague James Ruskin and I had the honour of giving a talk titled “Streamlining Software Management with Chocolatey” to a room of PowerShell enthusiasts.
Overall, I’m thrilled to say our presentation went extremely well!
The audience was very engaged throughout our 45-minute session, and we received great questions. There was a lot of interest in learning more about how Chocolatey’s products can simplify software management automation both during the talk and at the booth, after.
We demonstrated the key features of Chocolatey CLI Package Manager, Chocolatey Agent, Chocolatey GUI, and Chocolatey Central Management. Attendees were excited to see how seamlessly these tools work together to automate software installations, configurations, and updates across their Windows environments.
The audience especially loved seeing live demos of Chocolatey in action. We showed the centralized dashboard in Chocolatey Central Management for managing packages across an entire enterprise.
The entire PSDayUK event was incredibly well-organized by the conference organizers. Everything ran precisely on time, allowing attendees to make the most of the jam-packed schedule. I met so many smart and fascinating members of the PowerShell community from across the UK.
I’m grateful that James and I had the chance to spread awareness about Chocolatey Software and how our tools can make PowerShell even more powerful. Based on the feedback we received, it’s clear many attendees will be trying out Chocolatey soon to enhance their automation skills.
Presenting at prominent industry conferences like PSDayUK is an invaluable experience. Huge thanks to the conference organizers for hosting such a top-notch event!
You can watch the full YouTube video below.