Disqus Gone? New Blog Commenting using Giscus and GitHub Discussions

It’s been difficult to receive notifications of Disqus comments on any posts on the blog. As a result the majority of comments went unanswered. I was disappointed that people took the time to leave comments, and I never answered because I didn’t know about it!
Recently I was reading a blog post on Async / Await feature of Rust. Getting to the bottom of the post, I noticed the comments section was using giscus. Giscus uses GitHub Discussions for it’s commenting, and is heavily inspired by another project I looked at a little while ago, utterances. Utterances uses GitHub Issues to store and retrieve comments but I didn’t feel that this was a good solution for the blog comments. But giscus, using GitHub Discussions, is something I want to use and I’ve now implemented it on the site.
This isn’t a blog post on how to implement giscus as it’s incredibly simple. Just head over to the giscus site, go to the Configuration section and follow the instructions. This blog uses Hugo and the Mainroad theme and I may do a blog post in future on how to implement it with those.
Unfortunately I couldn’t migrate comments from Disqus to Giscus. If you’ve left a comment in the past, thank you. Apologies it’s now gone.